A strange discussion in the news-to-school inclusion of disabled children
On the kobinet messages ggw breaks. a most bizarre parents talk about the extent to which inclusive education for disabled children offered in North Rhine-Westphalia to be or should be (http://bit.ly/42usZh).
addition to the remarkable fact that in this debate itself almost exclusively non-disabled parents of disabled children engage lacks the particular thread also otherwise not bizarre. As written by "special" children (each child is "special", disabled children have a specific feature only in the on by a physical, intellectual, mental or sensory damage leading to impairment of certain skills. The disability is due to the socio-political model of the WHO, therefore, that social impairment due to barriers, inequalities and discrimination are of this group). Well, maybe this verbal stigma Kuschelpräpotenz is indeed intended, but it makes sense is therefore not a long time. It is further argued in
kobinet, civil service capacity (or hired) teachers could eventually be compelled to inclusive education. Yes, where are we living? Of course I fear the argument that disabled children could fall through school disregard hintüber only too familiar. However, this is a bogus argument. The United States of Make America the best years of experience with Enforced inclusive education, for example, in the field of ethnic integration. Yes, I know this is not entirely comparable. But you see, for example, the rhetorical structure, with the special education all together here in Germany for decades to justify why it affected almost every picture is not only discriminatory, so stigmatizing but also quantitatively segregation school system, but one comes to ponder.
is here - no matter what damage and thus affect image is - almost always first and foremost a special need designed. Such needs However at least physically and sensory impaired children do not now. When mental impairment can in some cases probably argue with intellectual disabilities it will be vital to the degree of impairment.
body and sensory impaired children have a regular need for school volunteers or to Gebärdensprachdolmetschung (for deaf children) and a teacher to learn Braille (for blind children). All other requirements, eg in the area of mobility, or the so-called life skills are, without exception, do not fall under the responsibility of the school, but either to health insurance or Integration allowance (where you can immediately raise the question whether it even has to be appropriate to leave the income-and asset-based integration assistance in the field access of schooling, when the otherwise yes).
What amazes me, amazed and also a piece of horror far the cautious tactics of having to proceed with the most parents of disabled children continue to believe. Since I praise me as a pioneer Wasilios Katsioulis which - although forced moderation - the right to reach for his son to an inclusive schooling, takes necessary in court.