Monday, January 18, 2010

Ten Sports In Nielsat

What kobinet Roland Koch and his labor market policy proposals (work requirement for so-called "Hartz-IV-recipient") is all about

You have the statements made by Roland Koch, who by such statements do not even notice only now, in a general context . See Koch be covered Federal Labor Service is a model borrowed from has he got laid out several years ago in Wisconsin in the United States . However, does the state of Wisconsin - and Roland Koch as a lawyer knows, of course, exactly - two essential conditions not that such a Federal Labor Service (the word is mine deliberately chosen and is also aware of another Labor Service remember just under 70 years) would make it all possible. First, there is in the Federal Republic of the prohibition of forced labor. Now you can be justly debatable whether the commitment made to believe any reasonable job for not even close to a forced labor service last. A formal obligation to work should on receipt of state benefits then the dividing line, however blur final.
The second point: Although the
unemployment in Germany may be considered to be largely abolished, there is a system of benefits because insurance still. A Such a system is in the U.S. is available at most under a lot difficult conditions, There are just under Obama approaches to introduce a broad public health insurance.
Finally, do cooking, the "farming" Franz with his proposal to reduce the pay just once to 100 euros, and cohorts distract actually from a much deeper problem: There is a post-industrial society as Although ours enough to do, but simply not the will to pay for such services also decent fees. Current system of exclusion of the have-nots is so was deliberate.
that extent Koch a protagonist of a policy that serves their own wealthy clientele and the middle class and low- ever fleeces. This is politically intended (the drama is, that was under Schroeder in the days of red / green already not much else), you will finally its potential party donors - of even more dubious matters not to
Leave - alienating not even provided.
And of course, be a homo politicus like cooking with a political calculation. Once he talks to his rhetorical omissions of course to the political right in the Union, under the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel sees forced increasingly on the defensive, the other forced cooking - as indeed even Franz - the pressure on the Federal Constitutional Court, which has announced in a few weeks ago about the rule sets not only for children, as it provided the original claims have, but want to opt for adult recipients. The date for the hearing of the Senate clearly show that he is making a whole set of rules for plausible and - more importantly - for content unfair and do not cover the subsistence holding.
is now known for the political rights that they tried for several years by linguistic furor The Federal Constitutional Court to intimidate, if you a - still not even handed down - decision does not fit, only to remember the crucifix decision or case law on the Tucholsky said "soldiers are murderers". One can only wonder whether the Federal Constitutional Court to political pressure, it is about billions of euro, but will not bend. After all this is "only" unemployed people. Would give way to the Federal Constitutional Court, which would be for this democracy a worse sin than all the political scandals and minor scandals in recent years who have not contributed insignificantly to the party fatigue.