Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Genital Wart Turning Black

come the Danes!

Respectively. The Dane is. At least I have today received an email with the subject line. Bjørn Lomborg was meant ... Do not worry, I had no idea who that is. But a quick Internet search revealed that on Wikipedia here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bjørn_Lomborg .
A climate scientist against the Kyoto Protocol is and says it has no benefit. That sounds interesting.
This man, who has written a bestseller among other things, Tomorrow is now the sleepy Iowa and holds a lecture . Since the lecture, as I said, sounds interesting, I will listen to me tomorrow again. Let's see what he says so, I'm curious:)

Secretly, I still pray on a lecture by Douglas Hofstadter , but I think I will not live to see. The Dane has to suffice:)


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