Saturday, August 22, 2009

Prizes For Club Nintendo

Buchneurscheinung on 31/08/2009

on 31/08/2009 a new book with the title "Politics and justice for people with disabilities in Europe and Asia," in Nomos-Verlag. may
Although the title (he goes further, as can be read below) quite bulky and reads the work of 98 € is not cheap, the book still more interesting than might appear at first sight.
The book is due to take place gehabten end of 2007 in Munich Workshops on disability laws and kulturvergleichung, among others, was organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law and Speyer German School of Administration, entstanden.Es followed by a conference in 2002, out of a book has emerged from in which concerns only the comparative side of politics for people with disabilities in Asia and Europe declined.
While the outcome - particularly in the cultural, but also in the comparative law - showed that disabled people in Asian societies often remains a paternalistic model of dealing with dominant people are some posts that deal with the law and participation opportunities for disabled people in Europe deal, of some interest. Examples are in particular the contributions by Bernd Schulte ("disability policy and disability rights in Europe"), Peter Trenk-Hinterberger ("participation rights of disabled people in the Member States of the European Union") and Peter A. Keller ("disability policy and disability rights in Sweden "), all of which are interesting" foreign views "on many different aspects of law and policy for disabled people to show in Europe. In many cases, thus only lasting clear where - are still erklatante weaknesses - particularly in the German disability policy.
With this, German disability policy, I sit in my post "disability policy in Germany from the perspective of disabled people - a polemic for better disability policy" apart (p. 151-188) is critical.
There are different levels of legal positioning of the right for people with disabilities represented; here I will examine first the organizational framework within which policies for disabled people in Germany are operated (as regards the German Disability Council, the representative for the interests of disabled people and enshrined in some state laws equality councils), then sit apart with different life stages, for disabled people are particularly relevant (nursery / crèche, school and work) and treat continue cross-sectional areas for disabled people are relevant (participation contrasting integration assistance, personal budget, anti-discrimination and prohibition of discrimination, accessibility, and - as a specific discharge of the same - communication and media). This overall result is a negative ruling regarding the current of the grand coalition operated policy for disabled people and I'm at the end of his contribution to the result: "It is high time that - as in the 1980s - once again some politically-minded disabled people noise significantly beat to it - wake hindered political establishment, and started a few years ago for reform not only to finally make it fruitful, but to let grow in real reformist approaches "

book title - rigid, tired and completely lethargic become:
of. Maydell / Pitschas / Pörtner / Schulte (Eds.): Policy and law for people with disabilities in Europe and Asia under the conditions of demographic change - cultural conditions and explanatory hypotheses (studies from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law). , 509 pages, 2009, Baden-Baden, Nomos-Verlag; 98, - €, ISBN 978-38329-4798-9 (Source:


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