Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trial Time Out Safenet

Niedersachsen wants to reform the social-judicial proceedings ... may of course not at the expense of the "needy"

particularly pleased with a "funny" Press Release today the Lower Saxony justice ministry. Those on the part of the state of Lower Saxony planned a Bundesratsiniative, with the amendment material Sozialrec ... hts social justice should be relieved. You listen up, in particular, the testimony of Lower Saxony, and Justice Minister, that there should be no concessions while the rights of those in need. This is worded the same two reasons subtle: first, yes to the substantive law to be restricted, but not the formal (the latter is procedural law, and that is surely related Busemann). Second, it's significant that Buse says any applicant or applicants in a social court process, attributed to the "needy" to have. The insured in the Social Security, whose arguments before the court still constitutes a large part of the work of the social courts, he deliberately forgets. That besides the social management procedures already been - carefully formulated - spelled out in favor of the social service provider is, is it also just once "swept under the table".

link to press release of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice:


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