Monday, September 6, 2010

Vegeta And Bulma Hentil

What are senses?

Pronounced sense perceptions are a condition to be able to read good writing, numeracy and learning. The following are the senses:
  • Optical differentiation: the ability to distinguish same inequalities (eg difference between "a" and "o" or see between "h" and "k") is.
  • Optical memory: The is the ability to remember things seen, save, and when necessary to play (for example, to remember how a word is written).
  • Optical seriality : This is the ability, seen arranged in order to be able to (for example, the sequence of letters in a word or sequence of numbers)
  • Acoustic differentiation : This is the ability of the audible match of to distinguish unequals (eg difference between long and short vowels, the difference between "g" and "k").
  • Acoustic s memory: This is the ability to remember what is heard to store and if necessary play, (for example, remember what was said by the teacher, was one to remember a story).
  • Acoustic seriality : This is the ability to arrange things heard in order to be able to (for example, the word "round", first "n" and then listen to "d").
  • spatial orientation: It is the ability to find their way in space and time as well as deal sizes and quantities (eg difference between "before" and "after" between "above" and "down").
  • body image: This is the ability to assess one's own body (for example, distinguish right and left can).

If an impaired sense of these perceptions, there may be difficulties in reading, writing, arithmetic, learning, and learning in general.

Cruising Places Perth

dyslexia / dyscalculia: Definition

I work by the method of Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller . In her book " dyslexia - dyscalculia?" defined Kopp-Duller dyslexia follows:
"A dyslexic man in good or average intelligence , takes his environment in a different way, by his attention when he meets symbols, after, as he carried his differentiated part performance (sensory perceptions) feels differently than non-dyslexic people. This difficulties arise when learning to read, write and do arithmetic. "(1995).
What does this definition?
First, that dyslexia has nothing to do with stupidity, as is unfortunately often accepted. There are still People who claim that dyslexia would be a neat word for stupidity or laziness. Those who work with dyslexic or Dyscalculic children know that this is not true. These children are usually average to above average intelligence. They are not lazy, but strict at. Because they harvest, however, only failure, it may happen that at some point themselves and the school consider a lost cause. Therefore, it is also very important to recognize dyslexia / dyscalculia in time and do anything about it.
Why did these children they encounter? Differentiated by their senses. For reading, writing, numeracy and learning in general need certain sensory perceptions. If one of these different perceptions obvious or not so well developed, it can be tricky.
More information on the individual perceptions related here.
When a child to distinguish, for example difficulties with the optical differentiation, with the same ability of inequality, has so occur when reading and writing to the confusion of "a" and "o" or "d" and "b".
This has differentiated sensory difficulties and a child to be attentive, that is to stay on task. Thus a child learns with his dyslexia / dyscalculia deal, it must learn to always be aware that train the diverse perceptions and work on the symptoms. This is the approach of the AFS method.