Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Watch Ross Kemp On Gangs Jamaca

reading! Leave! Calculate!

reading! Leave! Calculate!
that's the point. Or better: Convert Properly read, write properly and correctly. This is important and is becoming increasingly important in our society. This is what we expect from our children and what they should learn in school.
How does it work? Reading, writing and numeracy are complex processes in the brain. One need such a sophisticated fine motor skills, so you can hold the pen correctly, so you can make lines so that you can do loops, so you can write the end.
Also attention is very important. When I read, write, count, my thoughts are here and now, that is, to what I am reading, writing and arithmetic. Everyone knows from personal experience that when you read such newspaper, while looking with one eye on the TV, you do not know what you read or what you saw.
Furthermore we need some functions, also called partial performance or perceptions. If any of these functions are not 100% works, so pronounced differently, it can lead to difficulty in reading, writing and arithmetic. If I do not hear as true what is said, then I can not write it correctly. Or if I do not really see what is written, then I can not read properly.
The proper part of the fixed communications services is crucial. If they are pronounced differently, it is possible that dyslexia is a man or Dyscalculic.


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