Thursday, September 24, 2009

Red And Itchy After Adderall

Federal Constitutional Court bans The NPD anti-Polish statements (

The Federal Constitutional Court today in an appeal decision (decision of the 3rd Chamber of the Second Senate of 24.09.2009, application No: 2 BvR 2179/09) as part of a constitutional challenge a decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (OVG) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern procedures for interim property confirmed that had the district association Uecker-Randow the NPD, the distribution of anti-Polish poster prohibited ( The constitutional complaint was not even accepted for decision. Then stay "to stop Poland's invasion," statements such as or in this context, the pictorial representation of crows and Euro bank notes, after which picks one of the crows, is prohibited. In short, has both the SAC and the Constitutional Court, the human dignity of those affected live Germany Poland seen (see below reasons 1.d.aa. [paragraph 11]).
The decision is based systematically clean. Content, too, it must be upheld in its entirety, both when the board is based on the disturbance of public order as well as a violation of human dignity of Polish citizens living in the Federal Republic. Although exaggerated and polemical debate on the democratic discourse - especially in election campaigns - one can, and should not mean that is operated in the manner of the "striker" party propaganda!


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